Wurmloch Variationen

Its vibrations blend in with my body very well. It’s comfortable to listen, and the textures are like nutella on toast, seductive and velvety but crunchy at the same time. Super yummy record!

Beige background with a banner on the bottom half made of typography characters prints, as if it as ASCII made by a typing machine. In the banner, nearly camouflaged, the name of the artist and the name of the album.


With Kassel Jaeger and Akira Rabelais.

It’s a surprising record that I like for the nuanced ambient work. I enjoy when a wave of some field recording fades in and out of the picture, evoking feelings from personal experiences with similar sounds.

In this sense, it’s very evocative to me and makes me travel. Good to listen to at home, potentially during winter, making me feel inspired to work on new creative projects.

Collage of film photos. They capture views from a mountain and it's rendered in black and white colors.