This list of principles helps me concentrate on using Generative AI (GenAI) efficiently. It also serves as an introduction to this world. I want to consider why and how I will use it. GenAI is a powerful tool but requires intentionality to use efficiently and avoid creative atrophy.

My principles

By mindfully integrating GenAI into my workflow, I aim to harness its power with ethical supervision and human creativity. This balance ensures that every technological aid enriches my original vision and augments my creativity.

GenAI outputs with my ethical supervision.

I critically evaluate every GenAI output — reviewing and editing as needed — to minimize bias and ensure accuracy.

GenAI for my creative efficiency.

I deploy GenAI to handle repetitive tasks, analyze vast data sets, and capture notes with a few personal nudges into what matters. This frees up most of my time for high-value creative work.

GenAI to inspire me.

I harness GenAI to overcome creative blocks, move faster, spark wild ideas, and generate dynamic scripts. This enriches my original thinking by giving me clay to form original ideas.

GenAI mindfully integrated with me.

I intentionally use GenAI to enhance my cognitive efforts without replacing the essential role of human emotions in creativity.